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Journey Off Birth Control

The History When I started breaking out a little too often in high school, I took Yaz for 4 months and went off to control my acne and it worked. I had decent skin with occasional breakout around that time of the month until the dreadful 20. The Dreadful 20s When I was 20, I had a severe breakout that occurred out of nowhere. It was deep, red, inflamed, painful and un-poppable kind of acne that left scarring. I tried all kinds of treatments my dermatologist  prescribed including various "acne sets". I noticed that every time the acne seemed to subside, it would flareup again at that time of the month. I told my dermatologist this and she continue to give me different things to try.  Utilizing google on my own, I self diagnosed myself with hormonal acne and the only way to fix it would be to target the problem, hormones. I started talking Yasmin and within 2 months my skin cleared up and the rest was history. Birth control is now a part of my life. I c

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